Year 3 Home Learning

Maths with Mr Watson

Comparing numbers

World Book Day Special- BURGLAR BILL

Mr Watson's favourite book

Mr Bump read by Mrs Dunleavy

Maths with Mr Watson

Ordering numbers


Year 3 and 4 RSE lesson

In this lesson we reflect on some of the ways we treat our family and friends.

Literacy - Phyllis and the fossil finders - chapter 8 and 9

Maths with Mr Watson

You will need a pen, paper and a ruler if possible.

Maths with Mr Watson

You will need a pencil and paper.

Literacy - Phyllis and the fossil finders chapters 6 and 7

RE with Mrs Loftus

Literacy - Speech

Speech and thought bubbles Inverted commas

Maths with Mr Watson

Access to Purple Mash will support this lesson

Maths with Mrs Dunleavy

Tally Charts

Literacy GR - Chapter 5

A or An - literacy lesson

2D and 3D shape with Mr Watson

Maths with Mrs Dunleavy

You will need a pencil and some paper.

Literacy 8 - Phyllis and the Fossil Finders Chapter 4

Haikus with Mrs Dunleavy

With Mr Watson

Maths session with Mrs Dunleavy

Basketball with Storm Year 3

Literacy 6 - Phyllis and the fossil finders chapter 3

Literacy lesson 5 - Prepositions

Super Salmon Yr 3


Maths with Mr Watson

Maths with Mr Watson

Literacy lesson 4 - Chapter 2

Bag a breakfast Assembly

Literacy 3 - Expanded noun phrases

Story read by Mrs Dunleavy

We're going on a bear hunt! by Michael Rosen

Lesson 3 14.01.21

Literacy 2 - Phyllis and the fossil finders ch1

Year 3 Maths- 13.1.21

You will need a pencil and paper.

Literacy lesson 1 - Suffixes

Good morning everyone, we are learning about suffixes, homophones and alliteration!

Phunky Food - Drain Drinks Smoothie

Year 3 and 4 Music Lesson 1

Maths Session 8.1.21

You will need a pencil and paper.